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© reMIXstudio studio - huzhou tea museum - 01 .jpg
1 / 13 illustrative overview 插画效果总览图

huzhou tea museum | 湖州茶博物馆

Year | 年份: 2017
Location | 地点: Huzhou, Zhejiang, China | 浙江湖州
Status | 状态: competition winner | 竞赛中标

Type | 类型: architecture | 建筑
Program | 功能: culture | 文化
Size | 规模: 4332 sqm | 4332平米
Client | 业主: Shengshibaoyu Ltd | 中国江苏盛世宝玉有限公司

Team | 团队: Nicola Saladino, Chen Chen (陈忱), Federico Ruberto, Lv Shoutuo (吕守拓), Zhou Yasong (周雅颂), Tan Lu (谭露), Chen Muzhi (陈牧之)
External Collaborators | 合作: Ren Tian (任天), Xing Siqi (邢丝琦), Xie Tingwei (谢庭苇), Guo Huayu (郭化愚) studio - huzhou tea museum - 02.jpg
2 / 13 design concept 设计概念

Our design proposal reflects the insights of Tao, it also interprets the life attitude of Laotse, ‘the Tao never does, yet through it everything is done’.

建筑设计是对“道”的一种感悟,也是对一种“无为而无不为”的生活态度的诠释。 studio - huzhou tea museum - 03.jpg
3 / 13 circulation 流线设计

The kitchen is the core of this building. It is the One born out of Tao, the origin of the universe. People in the building communicate and interact in the kitchen, they get to know each other. The kitchen is the place where sparks not only come out of the fire in the stove, but also from the clashes of people’s minds.

建筑的核心是厨房,厨房是一,一为混沌,人们将在这里交流互动,相知相识,碰撞出思想的火花。 studio - huzhou tea museum - 04.jpg
4 / 14 terrace view 露台视角

‘Out of One, Two’ - ‘Two’ represents the Yin and the Yang, the void and the solid that alternate dynamically in our architectural design. Gardens interlining, rooms reaching out of windows, and scenes out of the wall echoed indoor, just like the endless variety of the pores and holes of the Taihu Stone, thin, permeable, porous and wrinkled.

由一生二,二是阴阳,是建筑中动态的虚实,穿插在建筑中的庭院,让室内延伸到室外,又将室外带入到室内,犹如太湖石之瘦透漏皱,变化无穷。 studio - huzhou tea museum - 05.jpg
5 / 13 side view 侧面外观

‘Out of Two, Three’ - the three parts of the building are the containers for living, tea tasting and teaching, but their functions are not fixed. People can use the rooms as they feel like, under different situations, as the Three is the Impermanence.

由二生三,建筑中的三个体块,是居住,品茶,教学的容器,但其功能并不是恒定的,而是顺其自然,随机应变,循环往复的,所以“三”也是“无常”。 studio - huzhou tea museum - 06.jpg
6 / 13 roof view 屋顶俯瞰

‘Out of Three, the created universe’ - the universe is not made of buildings, rather of people’s daily life in the buildings. Architecture contains life’s endless variety, while no matter to which extent people’s lives may differ, how complicated or sophisticated they may be, the pervading principles bring them to the one true harmony; simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

由三生万物,万物不是建筑,而是人们在建筑中的生活,建筑只是生活无穷可能的承载物。然而万变不离其宗,再繁复的生活也要复归本真,大繁归于大简是为道也。 studio - huzhou tea museum - 07.jpg
7 / 13 masterplan 总平面图 studio - huzhou tea museum - 08.jpg
8 / 13 functions and elevations 功能与立面 studio - huzhou tea museum - 09.jpg
9 / 13 F1 axo view 轴测图 studio - huzhou tea museum - 10.jpg
10 / 13 F4 axo view 轴测图 studio - huzhou tea museum - 11.jpg
11 / 13 section 剖面图 studio - huzhou tea museum - 12.jpg
12 / 13 lobby rendering 大堂视角 studio - huzhou tea museum - 13.jpg
13 / 13 exterior night view 室外夜景