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1 / 17 grand birdview 山谷全貌鸟瞰

shenshanyan resort | 深山墕度假酒店

Year | 年份: 2017
Location | 地点: Shanxi, China | 中国山西
Status | 状态: concept masterplan | 概念规划

Type | 类型: landscape & architecture | 景观 & 建筑
Program | 功能: tourism & culture | 文旅
Size | 规模: 24.7 ha | 24.7公顷
Client | 业主: Shanshuixingsheng Ltd. | 山西山水形胜旅游开发有限公司

Team | 团队: Chen Chen (陈忱), Federico Ruberto, Nicola Saladino, Liu Yangyang (刘杨洋), Lv Shoutuo (吕守拓), Li Meikang (李梅康), Sun Furui (孙福瑞), Chen Muzhi (陈牧之),Peng Yuzhou (彭禹州),Tan Lu (谭露)
Collaborator | 合作: UEA | 北京悠意联合建筑策划有限公司
2 / 17 master plan development 总图演化过程 02.jpg
3 / 17 master plan 总体规划图

Shenshanyan is located in the north of Shanxi Province. The total area of intervention for this project is 24.7 hectare, which includes an east-west oriented valley and the village within. Nested in the Lvliang Mountain, the site is 2.5 hours drive away from the major cities. There are lush coniferous forests, vast alpine meadows, gurgling streams and organic husbandry.

深山墕位于山西省忻州市岢岚县,项目设计干预范围为24.7公顷。在晋北吕梁山脉的掩映中,场地包含一条郁郁葱葱的山谷和因扶贫搬迁腾空后凋零的村庄。远离中心城市,车程约2.5小时,这里有广袤的次生针叶林,无垠的高山草甸,潺潺的溪流以及漫山的牛群。 03.jpg
4 / 17 pedestrian routes 步行线路

Three types of accommodation including courtyard villa, creek villa and forest villa with a total number of 28 have been planned. 12 facilities with the functions of dinning, relaxation, parent-child activities and group activities have been designed.

场地内的建筑将包括院舍、水舍、林舍三类居住空间28套,以及散落在山谷中的各类公共空间共12处。 05_v2.jpg
5 / 17 existing building 现状建筑
6 / 17 village development 村落发展过程 04.jpg
7 / 17 green corridors and village clusters 生态绿廊与村庄聚落

A stream flows from East to West, passing through dense woods and open grassland. Based on the water runoff analysis, the stream will be widened at several appropriate locations to form a series of orchestrated waterscape including wetland, reservoirs, weir and waterfalls. The three water runoff paths in the village will be designed into ecological green corridors, which also divide the village systematically into 5 clusters.

山谷内有一条灵动的溪水自东向西流淌,时而穿过密林,时而流过草地。根据雨水径流的分析,我们将在雨洪汇集流入小溪的位置拓宽水面和湿地,形成一条宽窄不一、景观丰富的水景轴。村庄内雨洪流径汇集的通道将被改造为生态绿廊,优化村庄应对雨洪的同时,将村落系统地划分成五个组团。 05.jpg
8 / 17 axonometric sections 轴侧剖面

The original fabric of the village will be largely preserved. The vernacular typology of ‘yaodong’ cave house will be restored into public facilities. The village houses will be remodelled into 20 courtyard villas with large private garden and panoramic view of the surrounding landscape. In each of the clusters delineated by the green corridors, there is a small semi-public square that leads into the surrounding courtyards. This creates a smooth transition between the public and the private space while enhances a sense of communal enclosure.

深山墕村的历史肌理将被保留,村内最有特色的窑洞将保留复建,成为村落中的餐厅及亲子公共空间。村内房屋将被规划改造成20套院落村舍,每套院子都将有宽敞的庭院并能观赏到周边的自然景观。由生态绿廊划分的每个村落组团内都有一处广场式的半公共空间,它成为进入私密院舍的过渡,同时也增强了组团内的聚落感。 06.jpg
9 / 17 axonometric sections 轴侧剖面 07.jpg
10 / 17 section 剖面图

The project follows a point based planning strategy. The untouched natural landscape will be handled with respect. Facilities of suitable size will be inserted only at the most appropriate locations and at different altitude of the slope. Hence, they offer different outlooks of the landscape. Some are located high up with panorama views of the valley and the village, such as the observatory and the spa. Some are positioned in more secluded environment such as the bridge restaurant in the wetland and the meditation house in the woods.

项目规划采用布点先行的方法,以一种尊重场地和自然的态度,仅在最恰当的位置布置体量适宜的建筑。各个公共空间被布置于不同的高程上,有的地势高,视野开阔,可以回望村落的全景,如观象台和水疗中心;也有的场所更为私密,如位于湿地边的水餐厅,位于林间的禅室等。如此给客人带来了丰富的景观体验。 08.jpg
11 / 17 axonometric X-ray of the valley 山谷轴侧透视图 09.jpg
12 / 17 lobby view 大堂视角

Low impact development is another key principle of the project. Pedestrian route is prioritized, and the lobby becomes a trail hub where five trails conflate. The trails are village stone alleys, forest meditation trail, creek trail, observatory trail and kids’ exploration trail in the woods. These trails meander according to the terrain, and connect the facilities.

项目规划强调低影响开发。区域内步行优先。接待中心成为一个线路枢纽,从这发散出五条景观体验各异的步行路线,包括村舍石径、禅修林路、滨水步道、观星栈道以及儿童自然探索路线。这些步道顺依山势地形蜿蜒,将区域内的各处建筑连点成线。 10.jpg
13 / 17 view of the Yaodong restaurant 窑洞餐厅效果

The buildings are designed in a way to avoid massive construction. The choice of materials also emphasises on the principle of ‘kilometre zero’, which prioritises local materials and reusable materials from the existing village. Thus, the architecture grows out from local materials and craftsmanship, and harmonises with the local environment.

铺装材料和建造方式也因地制宜地选择对环境最小干预的方式。建筑设计避免大兴土木,在建材选择上遵从材料零公里理念,尽可能利用当地的材料以及回收利用场地的旧材料,让深山墕的建筑生长于本土的材料之上,也融入本土的环境当中。 11.jpg
14 / 17 inside Yaodong restaurant 窑洞餐厅内视角 12.jpg
15 / 17 entrance to the kids' club 儿童活动区入口 13.jpg
16 / 17 creek villas 溪边别墅 14.jpg
17 / 17 dawn bird view 清晨鸟瞰视角