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1 / 7 view of the valley from the gymnasium 从体育馆望向峡谷

huachi school | 华池中学

Year | 年份: 2013
Location | 地点: Huachi, Gansu, China | 中国,甘肃,华池
Status | 状态: competition | 竞赛

Type | 类型: architecture | 建筑
Program | 功能: educational | 教育
Size | 规模: 70,000 sqm | 70,000 平米
Client | 业主: huachi government | 华池市政府

Team | 团队: Chen Chen (陈忱), Federico Ruberto, Nicola Saladino, Liu Dong (刘动) school 02.jpg
2 / 7 location and general plans 整体布局与场地方位

This project is the result of a competition in collaboration with JAL and partners.
The town of Huachi is located in the middle of a valley surrounded by steep mountains and the presence of a river along the East edge of the site creates a powerful natural context. Our design challenges the traditional volumetric fragmentation of a Chinese high-school campus to propose two large buildings that solve the whole program, achieving a scale that relates directly to the surrounding landscape.

华池县位于一片山谷中,学校地段东面傍水,群山环绕,自然环境独特。我们试图打破传统中学校园设计的范式,通过将功能整合在两座建筑中,解决传统校园空间结构支离破碎的问题。建筑的尺度也能更好的和环境中的山体相呼应。 school 03.jpg
3 / 7 general section and view from the river 总体剖面与河对岸视角

A system of linear volumes articulates both the interior and the exterior circulation; the buildings bend and deform to create various courtyards with different degrees of intimacy and the architecture interweaves sectionally with the landscape, generating a series of specific spatial relationships. The volumes also shift at different levels and, together with an overhanging roof that echoes the local traditional architecture, they produce shaded spaces such as terraces and porches for the numerous outdoor activities. Both the buildings and the landscape are organized in bands across the campus, creating a dynamic system of open spaces with various pavements, planting, bioswales and play grounds.

线性的建筑体量能有效组织室内外流线;建筑错落和折变,体量在不同的高度上交叉错落,使之与景观在平面和剖面上都交织在一起,形成了不同亲密度的景观庭院,创造出一系列多样而有趣的空间关系。建筑的屋檐出挑深远,不仅是对当地传统建筑特点的回应,而且形成了一系列灰空间;屋檐形成的阴影也很好的解决华池夏日烈日暴晒,将为各种学生活动的展开提供舒适而多样的户外空间。 school 04.jpg
4 / 7 plans of the school building 教学楼平面

The school building is located in the South-East end of the site, in proximity to the main entrance, while the dorms are near the North-East corner. The two buildings are connected by a semi-underground volume that runs parallel to the East edge of the site, around 10m higher than the adjacent riverbed. The gym and the canteen are positioned along this corridor and are facing directly the river. A monumental overhanging roof produces a sort of cut in the topography, creating a protected terrace that overlooks the whole valley.

教学楼布置在东南角,靠近主入口,而宿舍则在东北角附近。两座建筑之间通过一个半地下的建筑体量相互连接,该连结空间与场地东侧边缘相平行,与其东面的水面落差约10m。体育馆以及食堂均面朝水面,其体量沿着连廊的形态走势延展开来。悬挑的屋顶及其覆盖的一个可以俯瞰整个峡谷风貌的室外平台,犹如在山体中雕刻而成,很好的借用了原有的地形。 school 05.jpg
5 / 7 playground and residence building 操场与宿舍楼

A series of perforations and sunken gardens allow a large quantity of light to penetrate the deep volumes and an exterior staircase connects directly to the sport-fields level. The different height requirements are reflected by the different levels of the upper deck, generating a fluid topography of ramps and grades that overlook the playground.

天光以及下沉花园使充分的自然采光穿透楼梯间和构筑物到达体育场馆深处。不同的台地,平台设计回应室内外空间不同的高差需求,创造出坡道,台阶等一系列连续流畅的人工地形,并在操场周围随地形抬升形成了一片看台。 school 01.jpg
6 / 7 main entrance 主入口 school 07_v2.jpg
7 / 7 view of the school building from the playground 操场视角的教学楼