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1 / 10 Jose Pablo Cordero, floating fishponds: perspective

Fabricating the ground | 哥斯达黎加veritas大学参数化地形设计工作坊

Type | 类型: prototypes for ground manipulation in different sites around Costa Rica | 对于哥斯达黎加多地点的地形参数化原型
Host | 地点: Veritas University, San Jose, Costa Rica | 哥斯达黎加圣何塞Veritas大学
Duration | 时间 : 1 week | 1个星期
Year | 年份 : 2011
Students | 学生: Dianna Cascante, Alberto Castillo, Jose Pablo Cordero, Alejandro Cruz, Cristina Guell, Pamela Hector, Daniel Palma, Pia Paulsen, Daniela Quesada, Ricardo Sevilla, Melisa Silva, Carol Wesson, Paula Zumbado
Instructors | 教师: Chen Chen, Nicola Saladino
Course tutors | 教授: Carlos Umaña, Juan Carlos Sanabria 02 - Jose Pablo Cordero.jpg
2 / 10 Jose Pablo Cordero, floating fishponds: prototype

This intensive studio-based workshop was part of a semester long course of Landscape Urbanism that focused on various costal regions of Costa Rica.
The country has an incredibly rich biodiversity and within its small territory it has quite different climatic conditions, reflected in very diverse landscapes.

哥斯达黎加国土面积虽小却覆盖众多气候迥异的地区,因而拥有无与伦比的生物多样性并造就了独具特色的自然景观。 03 - Jose Pablo Cordero.jpg
3 / 10 Jose Pablo Cordero, floating fishponds: proliferation

Water management has a crucial role in the preservation of the territory and students explored the possibility of controlling the water systems through the punctual manipulation of the terrain.
In one week we introduced students to the basic principles and techniques of parametric tools and explored the idea of prototypical design as a means to control large-scale ground conditions.

水资源管理一向在该地区水土维护中扮演至关重要的角色,我们要求学生们以此为突破口,探索通过调整局部地形来调控水系统的可能性。在一个星期的时间里,我们向学生介绍了景观城市学的基本原理,参数化的分析以及设计方法,并一同探索了通过研究原型来处理大尺度问题的方法。 04 - Dianna Cascante.jpg
4 / 10 Dianna Cascante, agricultural cell: site analysis and prototype parameters 05 - Dianna Cascante.jpg
5 / 10 Dianna Cascante, agricultural cell: prototype catalogue 06 - Daniel Palma.jpg
6 / 10 Daniel Palma, water run-off canalisation: site analysis 07 - Daniel Palma.jpg
7 / 10 Daniel Palma, water run-off canalisation: proliferation 08 - Ricardo Sevilla.jpg
8 / 10 Ricardo Sevilla, water purification system: indexing 09 - Melissa Silva.jpg
9 / 10 Melissa Silva, landfill reclamation: current conditions 10 - Melissa Silva.jpg
10 / 10 Melissa Silva, landfill reclamation: prototype proliferation