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1 / 6 general bird view 总体鸟瞰

guanzhuang | 官庄商贸城

Year | 年份: 2013
Location | 地点: Beijing, China | 中国,北京
Status | 状态: concept | 概念方案

Type | 类型: urban design| 城市设计
Program | 功能: mixed-use | 综合体
Size | 规模: buildings 230,000 sqm, landscape 70,000 sqm | 建筑230,000平米,景观70,000平米
Client | 业主: Guanyintang Investment Cooperation | 北京朝阳王四营农工商总公司

Team| 团队: Chen Chen (陈忱), Federico Ruberto, Nicola Saladino, Liu Dong (刘动) 02_v2.jpg
2 / 6 diagram of the design steps 设计步骤示意图

This project is located in an area on the East 4th ring of Beijing that is still relatively under-developed but is becoming more and more attractive for commercial and office activities due to its proximity to the CBD. This conceptual masterplan provides the general massing guidelines and spatial organization for a future business centre.

项目地段坐落于北京东南四环,临近中央商务区。方案为这片未来的商务新区提出了场地景观的策略导向和建筑体量的概念性规划。 03_v2.jpg
3 / 6 project layers 项目层级

The design consists of ten 80m towers and three lower buildings on top of a linear podium that comprehends parking, small shops and semi-private courtyards mainly for the employees, while the garden and the terraces would offer open-air public space for the whole neighbourhood.

十座高八十米的塔楼和另外三座稍低矮的建筑之下的线性裙房容纳了诸如停车、商铺、半私密庭院等空间。不同形态的广场和平台提供了一系列可供社区共享的开放公共空间。 03.jpg
4 / 6 programmatic distribution and sections of the podium 功能分布与裙楼剖面

Given the elevated density of potential users, we also considered the possibility of creating special levels in the towers that could host public activities and located them at different heights in order to provide an interesting variety of views.

考虑到未来商贸城的发展需求,我们也有意识的在塔楼中插入了一些能进行公共活动的创意楼层,并将他们设置在不同的高度以获得不同的视野。 05.jpg
5 / 6 views from the towers and the main street 塔楼视角和主街视角

While the architecture of the towers is quite simple and uniform to provide a sense of calm unity that retreats from the iconic rush of many adjacent buildings, most of the spatial articulation happens on the ground level.

方案有意保持建筑体形的简单以抗拒周边业已形成的地标建筑争奇斗艳的场景。裙房和地景部分则被处理得丰富多样。 06.jpg
6 / 6 views from the podium 裙楼视角

The parking that runs like a spine across the whole site is split on two semi-levels to minimize excavation and create platforms at different elevations that work as an artificial topography to better organize the access flows and create more diverse conditions for the public space. A series of ramps, with a mix of soft and hard pavements, connects the buildings with the landscape, establishing a continuous circulation system that can easily adapt to a multiplicity of activities.
