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© reMIXstudio 01 - group 1 1.jpg
1 / 16 branching: physical model

Landscape Urbanism, fall semester 2012 | 清华建筑学院2012秋季学期

university | 学校: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
students | 学生: branching | 分支化 : Bian Simin, Liao Lingyun, Nafise Faghihi, Melissa Widjaja, Harry Leuter
clustering | 簇群化: Zhu Yijun, Jorge Valcarcel, Diana Thamrin, Emmanueloroh Ukoh, Anhtea Du
tiling | 铺瓦片: Liu Hui, Vivien Halim, Eugenia Wang, Nela Suman, Nicolas Bouisson
boundling | 汇集: Ma Xinran, Anja Riedinger, Rosita Samsudin, Jiayang Du, Virginia Cucchi
weaving | 编织 : Di Lina, Yun Chung Huang, Carolina Setiawan, Linda Ganzert, Eleni Papadima
course director | 教授: Eva Castro
assistants | 团队: Libny Pacheco, Federico Ruberto, Nicola Saladino 02 - group 1 2.jpg
2 / 16 branching: project diagram

The course focused on an area of 300 ha located in Northwest Beijing, next to the Summer Palace. The site was formerly occupied by rural villages that have been mostly demolished to provide space for a future water reservoir, directly connected to the new South-North Canal. The rest of the site is planned to become a public park, as part of the new city greenbelt.

这个水库将会成为北京水系统的关键元素,但它处于基地正中央的位置及其周围缓冲区的几何形体使地段被分割为两块难以相连的区域。 03 - group 1 3.jpg
3 / 16 branching: general mesh and road network

The artificial lake will be a crucial element of Beijing water system, but its location in the very centre of the site and its geometric configuration, with a wide protective buffer zone surrounding it, practically cut the future park in two poorly connected parts.
The proposals aim to reorganize the water infrastructure in order to achieve the same quantitative goals of the original masterplan through a more functional spatial layout for the rest of the site. The exploration of five different systems of material organization gave the students a geometric base to support their design proposal. The students developed a big variety of design agendas that derive from their understanding of the site intrinsic potentials and its relationship with the Summer Palace and the surrounding neighborhoods.

这个方案旨在重组水系的基础设施,在提供同样的储水量的基础上,对场地空间重新布局:学生探索了五种不同方式的系统,他们的几何布局、对场地内在潜力的开发以及其与颐和园及周边环境的关系各不相同。 04 - group 1 4.jpg
4 / 16 branching: general masterplan

The team designed a park that works as a source of solar power for the adjacent urban fabric. To achieve this goal, the site is configured through two interconnected layers that not only work at the infrastructural level, but also create interesting spatial conditions for the public areas. The first layer is a new topography, organized in terraces: the slopes are defined according to their sun exposure and covered with photovoltaic panels to absorb the solar radiation, while the horizontal areas host the more conventional park activities. The second layer of the system is formed by a new series of lakes at two different elevations. The excess of power produced during the day can be used to pump the water from the low to the upper lakes; during the night the high water is then released to produce more electricity.

第一个层次是台地组成的新地形:坡地部分的坡度根据太阳的辐射量决定,并覆盖了太阳能光伏电板以吸收太阳辐射能;平坦部分则成为公园的活动空间。 05 - group 2 1_v2.jpg
5 / 16 clustering: indexing water catchment points

This project proposes the construction of a new micro-topography that helps regulate the surface water-flow of the park. In the dry season, a branching system of canals and wetlands collects the rainwater and treats the grey water from the adjacent neighborhoods.
During the wet season, the same water network helps mitigate the flooding risk. The program of the park is organized in a way to guarantee a smooth transition from the artificial / urban to the new natural conditions and the functional clusters take advantage of the new slopes and the proximity to the water bodies to recreate particular spatial layouts.

公园的空间布局保证人工化的城市环境与自然环境之间更平滑的过渡。功能布局根据坡度和与水体的距离而设计。 06 - group 2 2_v2.jpg
6 / 16 clustering: proposed design layers

Similarly to the previous design, this project stems form the idea of converting the park in an active infrastructural element that can treat grey water and create a more sustainable water cycle for the surrounding buildings.
The exploration of innovative block typologies allows a stronger interaction between the green and the urban fabric and generates a new hybrid system, where the buildings are fully integrated within the park.

新的建筑类型有利于促进绿地与城市机理之间更紧密的互动关系,创造了一个景观与建筑高度结合的整体。 07 - group 2 3.jpg
7 / 16 clustering: general masterplan and functional distribution

Starting from the consideration that urban agriculture is an expanding phenomenon, this project aims to recover the agricultural production that characterized the site in the past centuries, creating a new layout that optimizes the use of water and organizes the movement of cars, bicycles and pedestrians around the site.
Thinking of the park as a prototype for more productive landscapes to “invade” the city, a series of educational activities is also implemented in order to stimulate an interaction between the crops and the more public areas.

这个公园将作为城市农业的原型,可在多个不同城市推广。该设计致力于促进农业生产和公众的互动,使其同时具有教育性、示范型的功能。 08 - group 3 1.jpg
8 / 16 tiling: physical model

This proposal tries to regenerate the local economy through the elements that are already embedded in the site: the existing patches of tree nursing and the tourism generated by the adjacent Summer Palace. The new masterplan creates a series of bands where the flow of tourists and the new nursing areas interweave creating moments of spatial intensity.

新的总体规划通过提出一系列功能带将旅游者流线和新的苗圃区域交织在一起,产生出紧密,丰富和富有动感的空间环境。 09 - group 3 2.jpg
9 / 16 tiling: physical model 10 - group 3 3.jpg
10 / 16 tiling: masterplan bird view 11 - group 3 4.jpg
11 / 16 tiling: material organization catalogue 12 - group 4 1_v2.jpg
12 / 16 boundling: indexing pedestrian networks 13 - group 4 2_v2.jpg
13 / 16 group 4: proposed water system 14 - group 4 3_v2.jpg
14 / 16 boundling: general masterplan and road network layers 15 - group 5 1.jpg
15 / 16 weaving: material organization catalogue 17 - group 5 3_v2.jpg
16 / 16 weaving: general masterplan and design layers