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1 / 5 bird view and diagrams 鸟瞰效果

Jingdezhen Youth Center | 景德镇青年中心

Year | 年份: 2017
Location | 地点: Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, China | 中国江西景德镇
Status | 状态: schematic design | 概念设计

Type | 类型: architecture | 建筑
Program | 功能: apartment, commercial, mix-used | 公寓、商业综合体
Size | 规模: 62640sqm | 62640平方米
Client | 业主: Taoxichuan Creative Industry | 陶溪川文创街区

Team | 团队: Chen Chen (陈忱),Federico Ruberto,Nicola Saladino,Lv Shoutuo (吕守拓),Wang Yiren (王翊人),Chen Muzhi (陈牧之),Liu Yangyang (刘杨洋), Chen Si (陈思), Chen Yuxuan (陈宇轩), Wang Xia (王霞), Duan Jintong (段锦童), Tan Lu (谭露)
Collaborator | 合作团队: 北京华清安地建筑设计有限公司 (An-design Architects) 2.jpg
2 / 5 programmatic layout 功能布局

Jingdezhen, a small city in Jiangxi Province, has been the heart of China’s ceramics and clayware industry since Han Dynasty. Young ceramic artists from all over China as well as overseas gather here to learn the skills, communicate and promote their artworks, forming a unique creative culture. Jingdezhen Youth Center is a site-specific solution, which combines youth apartments with various public spaces specifically designed for young residents. Equipped with a gym, a canteen, a ceramic merchandising center and an auditorium, this mixed-use building complex will become a new hub for both local and visiting artists.

项目位于景德镇陶溪川文创街区,致力于为街区内年轻的陶艺艺术家提供居住、餐饮、运动的生活设施,以及与艺术创作相关的发布、展示、零售空间。项目由北侧可容纳1000人的四栋青年公寓,及南侧产品发布、陶瓷销售、运动餐饮、商业及配套设施的综合体组成。 3.jpg
3 / 5 floor and roof plan 各层和屋顶平面

Ordinary high density residential buildings usually consist of apartments on both sides of a corridor, maximizing efficiency yet minimizing chances for residents to socialize. We believe that for a young creative neighborhood a better strategy is to weave a series of public spaces with various degrees of openness into our apartments. By developing living units of minimal sizes we manage to expand the space for socializing without losing much capacity.

通常来说,最高效的公寓类型是以双面走廊来组织连续密集的居住单元,但是这样的居住模式大大限制了交流的发生,对于一个艺术街区的青年公寓而言,显得尤为可惜。通过研发最小化的居住单元,我们将不同开放程度的公共空间分散布置在公寓中,在尽量不减少居住人数的情况下,争取了更多的发生公共交流场所的机会。 4.jpg
4 / 5 south perspective and section 南立面效果与剖面

Connectivity, program mixing and porosity are the three main design principles of this project. Connectivity is achieved by introducing a ‘public loop’, which refers to a system of paths that circulate through all our building mass, integrating formal as well as informal public spaces. By overlapping different programs horizontally and vertically, our proposal seeks for new typologies where residents enjoy a multi-layered yet united community. Porosity is our adaptation to local climate – by carving into our building massing we achieve a self-shading effect with passive ventilation and create various sheltered grey spaces.

我们的空间营造围绕三个关键词展开:连接——建筑内部穿插公共空间,形成一个贯穿南北各栋建筑的连续动线体系,串联起一系列形式多样的非正式社交场所;叠加——通过在竖直和水平的层面上合理叠加不同的功能,试图产生新的空间类型和组合方式,营造一个多层次、高度融合的青年社区;通透——考虑到景德镇特殊的气候特征,我们通过建筑体量的切削和穿孔创造了丰富的檐下灰空间,强化建筑的自然通风及自遮阳,实现低造价的被动式建筑节能效果。 5.jpg
5 / 5 east perspective and elevation 东立面效果与立面图