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1 / 13 Jihak Hong: site analysis

Responsive Urban Code | 麻省理工大学波士顿滨水区改造参数化城市设计工作坊

Type | 类型: parametric model for Boston Waterfront development
Host | 地点: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA
Duration | 时间: 3 weeks | 3星期
Students | 学生: Phebe Dudek, Dessen Hillman, Fei Hong, Jihak Hong, Xing Huang, Shaoyi Liang, Georgios Samartzopoulos, Dicle Uzunyayla, Ana Vargas, Mingxi Zou
Instructors | 教师: Miho Mazareeuw, Nicola Saladino
Course tutors | 教师: Alexander D’Hooghe, Miho Mazareeuw 02 - jhakhong.jpg
2 / 13 Jihak Hong: prototype catalogue and control parameters

This workshop was part of a longer introductory urban design studio. Its aim was to ground the urban framework carried over from previous exercises, considering it a dynamic composition.
What are the hidden forces that affect the functions of the site? Economic unpredictability, major infrastructure changes, sea level rise, globalization, etc. – each student selected one of these topics to challenge the existing urban code, reflecting on the essential elements of the urban character and the catalogue of possible responses.

经济发展的不可预测性、基础设施的重大调整、海平面上升、全球化等——每个学生在其中选出了一个主题来重划现有的城市设计导则,试图以最有针对性的方式提出多种应对未来变化的可能性。 03 - jhakhong.jpg
3 / 13 Jihak Hong: prototype proliferation

The workshop focused on the redevelopment of Boston Waterfront. The students were asked to propose a new urban structure and test the responsiveness of their design parameters, forecasting an ecologic or economic change. They then generated a new code and urban form for flexible ranges and scales in relationship to the critical nodes and definitive borders of their intervention.

他们定义了城市形态形成的逐个关键环节以及设计所涉及的区域范围。 04 - jhakhong.jpg
4 / 13 Jihak Hong: testing different scenarios

Parametric tools were introduced to facilitate the visualization, evaluation and realignment through quantitative methods in order to provide greater flexibility in the design process. The workshop was structured in three steps: indexing, meshing and prototyping.

我们将相关参数化设计方法介绍给学生,有助于他们系统性的量化解读、表达、评估和整理复杂的信息,增加设计过程的回应性和适应性。工作坊的进程分成3个阶段:参数化分析,网格化和原型化。 08 - dhillman.jpg
5 / 13 Dessen Hillman: testing the prototype reaction to multiple attractors

Day 1
- general introduction to the workshop
- Rhino and Grasshopper tooling
Day 3
- introduction to Indexing and identification of the relevant layers of information
what are the drivers of the design?

-参数化分析入门和重要信息层级的辨识 05 - mzou.jpg
6 / 13 Mingxi Zou: street flow intensity datascape

Day 6
- indexing review
- introduction to the prototype: urban typologies and ground control systems
Day 8
- AA Landscape Urbanism lecture
- prototype development: relevant case studies and static modeling
how does the prototype react to the different conditions?

-原型设计:相关参考案例与静态模型 [可变的原型] 06 - mzou.jpg
7 / 13 Mingxi Zou: prototype behaviour

Day 10
- prototype development: parametric modelling and definition of the functional ranges
- introduction to meshing and systems of material organization
which geometric structure can better mediate between the geometric properties of the prototype and the constrains of the site?
Day 13 - 15
- mesh development and definition of different testing scenarios

-网格设计与不同测试场景的定义 07 - mzou.jpg
8 / 13 Mingxi Zou: urban block typologies and programmatic distribution

Day 17
- proliferation and assessment: testing the prototype in different (extreme) conditions to verify its adaptability
Day 20
- final review

-终期评图 09 - phdudek.jpg
9 / 13 Phebe Dudek: water drainage and public green corridors 10 - phdudek.jpg
10 / 13 Phebe Dudek: urban block typologies 11 - acvargas.jpg
11 / 13 Ana Vargas: superblock generative guidelines 12 - acvargas.jpg
12 / 13 Ana Vargas: programmatic distribution 13 - acvargas.jpg
13 / 13 Ana Vargas: possible typological scenarios