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1 / 11 Qu Pingshan: indexing population density

Indexing the City | 北京参数化设计研究中心城市规划分析工作坊

Type | 类型: indexical analysis of three different sites in Beijing | 城市规划分析
Host | 地点: Laboratory for Computational Design, Beijing, China | 北京参数化设计研究中心 (LCD)
Duration | 时间: 2 weeks | 2星期
Year | 年份: 2012
Students | 学生: Wei Yuanchen, Cao Xueyi, Wang Guanxian, Yang Shilun, Wu Fan, Cao Wenxiang, Chen Siqi, Hao Jiaqi, Wang Bo, Qu Pingshan, Luo Jingyun, Zhao Jiabao, Huang Jingya, Cui Xuan, Li Hong, Yang Wenchao, Zhang Yunjiang
Instructors | 教师: Federico Ruberto, Nicola Saladino Pingshan 2.jpg
2 / 11 Qu Pingshan: indexing roads capacity

This indexing workshop was part of a longer course on parametric design taught at the Laboratory for Computational Design.
The students worked on three sites located in Beijing with very different conditions: a portion of the old city centre currently under a process of demolishment and reconstruction, a large empty plot in the CBD that is awaiting an extremely high-density development and a park characterized by some important historical relics.

该工作坊是参数化设计研究中心设计课程的一部分。此次学生聚焦于北京的三块不同条件的场地:正在经历拆除和重建过程的古城、CBD一块即将高密度建设的空地以及一座历史遗址公园。 Pingshan 3.jpg
3 / 11 Qu Pingshan: indexing traffic intensity

We understand the morphology of the city as a result of the combined action of multiple physical and economic forces in a complex system. The analysis of all the layers that influence the functionality of the sites helped the students point out a clear set of tools and control parameters for the development of their own design agenda.

城市形态是复杂的城市系统中多种物质性因素和经济性因素共同影响而产生的结果。通过对影响场地功能的多层要素进行分析,我们帮助学生开发适用于自己设计规划的一套设计方法并设定相关的控制性参数。 Pingshan 4_v2.jpg
4 / 11 Qu Pingshan: indexing commercial clusters Pingshan 5_v2.jpg
5 / 11 Qu Pingshan: proposed functional distribution Pingshan 6_v2.jpg
6 / 11 Qu Pingshan: new masterplan guidelines Hong 1.jpg
7 / 11 Li Hong: indexing population density and pedestrian accessibility Hong 3.jpg
8 / 11 Li Hong: testing different scenarios Hong 2.jpg
9 / 11 Li Hong: programmatic distribution parameters Hong 4.jpg
10 / 11 Li Hong: typological variables Hong 5.jpg
11 / 11 Li Hong: functional optimization